Managing Course Enrollment Settings

October, 13 2022

CoreAchieve features numerous settings to control who is enrolling in what course. This guide will cover what these settings are, what they do, and why one might want to use them.

CoreAchieve features numerous course settings for enrollment, including options for who can enroll, how many (or how little) learners can enroll, and what happens when they enroll. This guide will cover all the settings and why one might use these settings.


If you’re looking to manage what learners are enrolled, check out this guide.


To change the course enrollment settings, go to the course editing page (by clicking on the quill) and select the “Enrollment” tab.


An animated GIF showing how to navigate CoreAchieve's interface to access a course's enrollment settings


Here is where one can find all the course’s enrollment settings, including enrollment period dates, if enrollments require approval, minimum or maximum enrollment, and self-enrollment.


Managing Course Enrollment Settings

Currently there are nine settings pertaining to course enrollment: allow new enrollments, allow self-enrollments, instructor approval required, enrollment start and end, minimum and maximum enrollment, enabling waitlists, and auto enrollment from waitlist. The following list is a breakdown of each setting.


Allow New Enrollments

This setting is very simple—want the ability to enroll more learners? Then select “Yes”, otherwise “No”. Administrators will still be able to enroll new users using the learner tables above.


Allow Self-Enrollments

Again, another straightforward setting. This setting determines if learners can self-enroll and if they are able too, another setting “Instructor approval required” will appear.


Instructor Approval Required

This setting is dependent on “Allow self-enrollments” because, if this setting is applied, it’ll put learners who try to enroll on the “Pending Enrollments” table—particularly useful for courses that have prerequisites.


Enrollment Starts and Enrollment Ends

If “Enrollment starts” is enabled, a date can be selected, which will determine whenever learners can begin enrolling into a course. “Enrollment ends” determines whenever learners can no longer enroll for a course. These settings are useful for courses that are time sensitive, like by having instructor led training.


Minimum Enrollment and Maximum Enrollment

These two settings place a floor and ceiling on the number of learners than can be enrolled in a course. If a course has instructor led training, this can help limit the learners involved to make the teaching more effective. Instructors can override the maximum by using the “Enrolled Learners” table.


Enable Waitlist

Doing exactly what it sounds like, this setting determines if learners, who enrolled after the maximum limit was reached, are put on a waiting list. With this setting it will be easier for an instructor choose who should be let over the limit.


Auto Enroll From Waitlist

If the maximum number of enrollments are reached and a waitlist is built, this setting will automatically fill the course from the wait list if an enrolled student should be unenrolled. Useful if one wants to make sure their course is always at maximum capacity.


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