Configuring Who Is Enrolled

October, 13 2022

CoreAchieve can be used for in-person or virtual instructor led training, but this often requires one to vet who is in what course. This guide will cover how to manage enrolled, waitlisted, or pending learners.

CoreAchieve offers advanced functionality for managing learners access to courses, something that is especially useful whenever conducting Instructor Led Training (ILT).


 If you’re looking to manage course enrollment settings, check out this guide.


To access the screen for these features, go to the course that you want to manage attendees for and press the “Person” icon. There are three separate tables: Enrolled Learners, Waitlisted Learners, and Pending Enrollments. Each table represents which learners are at what stage in the enrollment process.


Enrolled Learners

An image showing the CoreAchieve Enrolled Learners table.


Learners in this table are in the final stage of enrollment, they can begin accessing the course and its materials as soon as possible.


This table main function is to manage the learners enrolled in the course, including adding one learner, a group of learners, removing one learner, or removing all learners. However, one can also send out mass emails to all enrolled learners. Let’s beginning with managing enrolled learners.


Managing Enrolled Learners

Learners can enroll themselves in open courses and will appear on this list as well; however, Administrators, Attendee Managers, and Instructors can manually enroll learners. To enroll more learners, simply press the “Select learners” button for single learners or “Select groups” for groups of learners. A box will appear under the buttons, click it to use a dropdown of every name or type the name. After one is selected, it’ll appear in the box. You can remove names by clicking on them or add more by clicking the empty space. Once you’re satisfied which your selection, just press “Enroll learners” and the list will auto-update.


Note: If the course has a learner limit, the instructor can override it.


An animated GIF showing how to enroll learners in the CoreAchieve system.


Removing learners is even easier—just find the learner to be removed and press the “Un-Enroll” option in the far-right of their row. To un-enroll all learners press the “Un-Enroll all” button below the table and to the left.


An animated GIF showing how to remove one or all enrolled learners in CoreAchieve.


If an instructor needs to send a message to all of learners of a course, there’s an option for that. Under the table, to the far right, is a button that reads “Contact all active learners.” Upon clicking on it, an email editor pop-up will appear. Add your message and it’ll be sent to the email addresses attached to each learner.


An animated GIF displaying how to send an email to all enrolled learners in CoreAchieve.


Waitlisted Learners

An image showing the interface for CoreAchieve's waitlisted learners table


This table is where you’ll see and manage all the waitlisted learners. A learner can be placed here by two ways: either they are manually added, or they attempted to be enrolled in a course that was full.


Managing Waitlisted Learners

The waitlisted table can add or remove learners just like the enrolled learners one. However, it has some key differences like not being able to message everyone on the list and having different options for actions.


The actions available on this table (enroll and un-enroll) reflect the function of it, namely, acting as a buffer to prevent classes from overflowing. To allow a learner into a course, simply press “Enroll” on the far right of their roll or, to deny them, press “Un-Enroll” adjacent to other option.


An animated GIF showing how to enroll or unenroll a single learner using CoreAchieve's waitlist interface


Alternatively, if it’s determined that all the learners on the waiting list should be accepted or denied, one can use the “Enroll all” or “Un-Enroll all” options below the table on the far left.


An animated GIF showing how to enroll or unenroll all learners on CoreAchieve's waitlist


Pending Enrollments

An image showing CoreAchieve's interface for pending enrollments.


This table is utilized whenever a course requires instructor approval for enrollment. Typically, one would want to use this to be able to check for prerequisites.


Managing Pending Enrollments

The functionality offered is very similar to the “Waitlisted Learners” table, only with a slight change in nomenclature. There is one significant difference, however, learners cannot be added to the table by any means besides themselves.


One can enroll or deny one learner at a time using the corresponding action (“Approve” for enroll or “Reject” for un-enroll) on the far right of their row. Otherwise, one can approve or reject all learners by using the two buttons, under the table to the far left.


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