Control your platform with accessible reporting
and powerful options

CoreAchieve LMS features a robust administrator role where one can sell courses, track analytics of learners' progress, view and give credits or certifications, and perform audits

Take advantage of "User Group" permissions to make an intuitive and flexible hierarchy of users. Adjust their permissions to make sure they can only do what they are supposed to.

CoreAchieve automatically sends updates via email and, like almost everything else, these can be customized as well. Change the wording, color, or layout of these messages as you see fit.

Make CoreAchieve your own by using custom branding to change the colors, logos, and layout. Or you could work directly with CorePartners to make a completely new look.

CoreAchieve supports importing users from CSV, meaning you can create large amounts of profiles with their log-ins and user group—just by uploading a single CSV file.

CoreAchieve has built in logging tools allowing you to see who has logged on, for how long, and what exactly they did. Catch unauthorized users and retrace their steps.

Update all of your users in one convenient spot, while getting all the information about the CoreAchieve platform updates like new features and content.

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